Balance & Bend Masterclass

Sale Price:£20.00 Original Price:£25.00

Unlock the Power of Backbending and Shoulder Stability in our Masterclass on Sunday, March 17th, from 2:30 to 4:30.

40 minute Yoga Class followed by 1hr 20 Workshop on how to improve your back and shoulder mobility and stability.

This masterclass will:

- Teach you to approach backbending in a safe and accessible way that can be scaled based on your ability

- Teach you how to learn or improve your Wheel or Bridge pose

- Safe entry into handstands, practice how to fall and use build your shoulder end range strength.

- Apply fun based handstand techniques to deepen your backbend further including: heart melting pose variation, tic toks, and followback handstand variations.

I have practiced Yoga & Handbalancing for 5 years now. I am a Qualified Yoga Instructor under Dylan Werner and have taught many classes and workshops in Birmingham for the past year.

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